Welcome to Ekfrasi Group! Φροντιστήρια ξένων γλωσσών στις Aχαρνές, Μενίδι αγγλικα - γαλλικά - γερμανικά - ιταλικά - ισπανικά α) Σαμψούντος 30, 13675 Αγ. Πέτρος, Αχαρναί Τηλ: 210 2460770 β) Διδύμων 18, 13679 Μπόσκιζα, Αχαρναί Τηλ: 210 2445300email: ekfrasi.edu@gmail.com "Send us an email ekfrasi.edu@gmail.com
The second n is a bit difficult to say. It's fun to try it.
The long n is difficult. Can't say it
You need to open your mouth more in the back when you say "sung". It's funny!
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3 σχόλια:
The second n is a bit difficult to say. It's fun to try it.
The long n is difficult. Can't say it
You need to open your mouth more in the back when you say "sung". It's funny!
Δημοσίευση σχολίου